Sunday, April 30, 2017

Good Night, I Love You

The day is here. My heart is racing. I feel speechless-I'm in awe as I watch God weave the miraculous tapestry in my life. After many years, countless hours of writing in solitude, and even more tears, the release of my book is announced - September 19, 2017!

Three days after my husband died, a strong fire ignited in my soul to record my journey through what I call the Midnight Hour. The fire burned day and night and was never satisfied until it was finished. Good Night, I Love You was birthed as a result of my willingness to persevere through the fire.
Many told me along the way that they wished I would put my Midnight Hour experience into a book so they could put it in the hands of others. This book is for all. The human experience of grief is universal. Even if you have never lost one close to your heart, you know someone who has. Loss comes in many forms other than just death. It can come in the form of divorce, the death of a season of life, a broken relationship of any kind, and much more. Understanding the world of grief and loss is imperative. It is a part of life. We need to embrace it and learn to show limitless compassion, mercy, love, and patience to those walking through it.

My prayer is that this book will give all of us courage to let grief out of the closet. Let's feel comfortable discussing it with our friends. Let's give one another freedom to experience the depth of its pain without the fear of judgement. Let's extend a hand to the griever and sit with them in their solitude or invite them to come out for awhile. Thank you to those who extended their hand to me, sat with me, and prayed for me and my children.

“Bereavement is a universal and integral part of our experience of love. It follows as normally as marriage follows courtship or as autumn follows summer. It is not a truncation of the process but one of its phases; not the interruption of the dance, but the next figure.” C.S. Lewis - A Grief Observed

Pre-orders are now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and all major book sellers. It will be available in hardcover and e-book. Book tours and speaking will begin this fall.

A HUGE thank you to Hachette Book Group and FaithWords Publishing!…/…/1455598445