Monday, May 3, 2021

Seize What Flees

I do yoga. I'm no expert, and still intermediate, but in addition to my more intense workouts, I do it regardless of my skill level.  It’s a perfect fit for this introverted, thinking, feeling, contemplative soul. At the beginning of class, instructors often read a thought for the day -a nugget of wisdom to apply to our practice and our day.  It helps “set your intentions” for your “practice” on the mat.  With words and thoughts being one way God shows up for me, these introspective moments on the mat consistently snatch me away into the presence of God-I feel as if I’m sitting at His feet and He’s teaching me a truth I need to embrace. I love the phrases used during this time…Set your intentionsin your practice. 

...I see the bigger picture.  

These moments reground me in my intentions for my purpose and practice of life itself. Intentional and intentionality are now buzz words in our well as the word practice.  Be intentional.  Live with intentionality.  Practice kindness.  Practice love.  Practice mercy, compassion, patience.  Practice living…full living, embracing every moment.

A snippet from a reading in yoga class this weekend stuck with me...the last few words spoken before we began our “practice.” 

Seize what flees

My mind dove in with God, What do I need to seize? Yes, time flees. Minutes, hours, days, years…they flee more quickly with each passing year of life. How much time we squander! How much time we lose waiting on life instead of practicing living life. How much time we lose waiting to take action.

...but time is not the only thing that flees. 

Relationships flee...opportunities flee…some are only available in a moment. Am I seizing these kinds of moments when God presents me with a gift, a choice, an invitation and an opportunity for more?  

As each day arises, welcome it as the very best day of all, and make it your own possession. We must seize what flees.” ~ Seneca

Take possession of today.  Seize it. It's the best day of all. Seize opportunities for relationship.  Seize opportunities (take action) for love, mercy, compassion, healing, forgiveness, and joy.  Seize whatever you see God has placed in your path as a gift to you.  We often make requests of God, but when He presents the answers to us, we either allow it to pass us, or worse, we doubt it’s even Him...even when that thing we desire, or the opportunity to offer ourselves, is standing right in the middle of our path. Instead of embracing the life He's handed us on a silver platter, we think to ourselves, I need more time, it's not time yet.  

I have learned first hand, life is short...and sometimes is cut short. 

It is time. Seize what flees. Welcome today as the very best day of all.

Set your intentions for today...then go do it. Don't allow the opportunities set before you to flee.


  1. Jene’,

    Love this. You mentioned in an Instagram post that I just saw today, that you were writing another blog. Is this where I will find your blogs? I have been reading them since you started—shortly after your husband’s death. Had no idea at that time that I would experience the death of my beloved in 2014.

    1. Hello Rita, and my apologies for my tardy response. I'm working on that! I am so sorry to hear that you also have been walking the difficult road of grief and recovery. It recalibrated my life giving me an entirely different perspective how I choose to live it. I'm humbled and honored that you have read and continue to follow what I write. I had an accident July 22, 2021 and my writing completely stopped. I'm picking it back up now and I'm very grateful! Yes, my blog posts will continue to be posted here until further notice and I also will be writing my second memoir this year. I hope you have a peaceful and fulfilling new year in 2022.
